Monday 30 January 2012

Back in the game.

It's been a while eh?! I don't think I've done a post in over six months, luckily Bryden has been holding the fort while I've been busy with college work. I've had my head stuck in books so much over the past few months I've hardly taken any photos at all. Here's a few of my current favourites as a sort of rubbish, apologetic catch up. I promise to be a better blogger from here on in....














1. Finally being able to read fashion magazines again, instead of English Language text books 2. A nice lady in Fenwicks gave me loads of these mini Rituals shower foam gels, they're so good! 3. I've become so bored with dark winter nails lately, breaking out the pastels and bright shades again 4. I felt like a bit of an arse buying a band t shirt from Topshop, but I love Fleetwood Mac too much not to 5. My faux fur addiction spiralled out of control this winter, prompting my lad mates to start calling me 'Roadkill' 6. I finally got over my fear of faux leather and bought this H&M skater skirt, I've since bought various other faux leather items and probably started a new addiction 7. This hat was only £3.25 from Internacionale! I've wanted a hat like this for a while now but could never justify paying Topshop etc prices in case it didn't suit me 8. I'd bought this dress from Primark months ago, but took it back and regretted it. I spotted it in the sale for £10 and snapped it up. It looks way too nice to be from Primark 9. I've wanted some gold hoops for a while, but was worried I'd look a bit tacky if i got the wrong size. This pack from Primark for a measly quid is perfect for testing out different sizes 10. The ring on the left was another Internacionale bargain at just £3.99, it goes great with my (now sadly battered looking) YSL arty ring 11. I love this H&M orange suede effect bag, I just wish it was double the size or I could learn how to down size my crap I carry around on a daily basis 12 & 13. Now I've got more spare time on my hands I can actually do things with my family and friends. These photos are actually from a while ago, they were taken in my favourite Vietnamese restaurant in Newcastle that I always go to with my parents. I have major cravings right now!


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