It's a bit of a blogger cliche to do a 'What's in my bag?' post, I know. Maybe I just wanted to show off my new handbag (or maybe I just wanted to use a Geri Halliwell song as a blog title), anyway here's all the crap I carry around on a daily basis...
Bag from New Look £19.99
Purse- Claire's Accessories, Make up bag (actually a pencil case)- Paperchase, Umbrella- Primark, Diary- Paperchase, Sunglasses- Ray Ban, Asthma inhaler- You get given them by the doctors if you're really cool, Clarins HydraQuench, Batiste tropical dry shampoo, Antibacterical gel, VO5 ultimate hold hairspray.
Rihanna Reb'l Fleur perfume, Powder brush- Elf, Backcombing brush- Sally, Face make up palette- Topshop, Keys , Hand salve- Burt Bees, Nail polish- No 7.
I carry around 10 times more lip products than any sane person would.
Some of the brands currently kicking around in the bottom of my bag- Topshop, Collection 2000, YSL, Rimmel, No 7, Du Wop, MAC, Carmex, Chain Bridge Farm.
Reading/weight lifting material:
Company Magazine, Avon catalogue, How To Be a Woman- Caitlin Moran, Valley of the Dolls- Jacqueline Susann.
My one true love: My Blackberry.
Yes, you're right; that is a photo of Britney and Justin back in the 'good old days' complete with all denim outfits as my background.