Friday, 20 May 2011

Scarlett Hearts.

It feels like forever since I did a blog post, sincerest apologies but we've been working like mad women lately! Don't worry though, we have loads of blog posts in the pipe line! Sadly work are shipping me off to Durham this weekend, to a pub that resembles the hotel from The Shining and has no internet (photos of the horrific decor to follow!), so they'll have to wait until next week.

For now I'd just like to show off my new favoruite necklace which I bought from the lovely Scarlett Hearts a few weeks ago. Bryden had won one in a competition they had on Twitter and I got major jewellery envy and had to buy one for myself!


It's a little typewriter key with a 'C' for Claire on it, how canny! If you'd like to get one for yourself just head on over to the Scarlett Hearts and check out the lovely items they have on offer. For all you North East bloggers, Scarlett Hearts are having a launch party at Florita's on the 2nd of June. So get yourselves down there!

Hopefully I'll survive this weekend to post next week!


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